
Province: Mahajanga (Majunga)

Area: 22,227

Protected area status: Special reserve

Year established: 1966

General location: northwestern Madagascar

Location and Access: 50 kilometers south of Soalala; relatively inaccessible do to poor roads and adverse conditions with rain

Climate: Seasonal dry forest; the dry season lasts roughly 7 months, while the rainy season lasts 5 months

Average temperature: 27�C


Precipitation: 116 cm

Description: Namoroka is known for its tsingy formations, though it also has rich wildlife.

Birds: 81
Reptiles: 30
   Chameleons: 2
   Snakes: 5
Frogs: 5
Mammals: 16
   Lemurs: 8
   Rodents: 2
   Insectivores: 2
Lemur species:

  • Propithecus verreauxi deckeni
  • Eulemur fulvus rufus
  • Hapalemur griseus
  • Phaner furcifer
  • Microcebus murinus
  • Lepilemur edwardsi
  • Cheirogaleus medius
  • Daubentonia madagascariensis

    ANGAP classifies ecosystems in Namoroka as follows;
  • subtropical forest found in canyons between the tsingy: 2.514ha
  • dry deciduous forest found amongst tsingy formations: 6.538 ha
  • marshes, rice paddies, and farmed areas: 262 H;
  • tsingy: 2.012 ha;
  • grassy savanna (Hyphaene shatan, Poupartia willcaffra, Stereospermum variabilis, Heteropogon contortus, Aristida sp and Hypparhenia sp.): 9.914 ha
  • shrubby savanna (Hypparhema rufa, Heteropogon contortus): 989 ha.

    Dominant ethnic group(s):

    Official web page

    Additional notes: Experiences moderate winds all year long

    MAP/Satellite Picture
