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Journal from the Manambolo River - Day 4

We press further down the river through the canyon and past several waterfalls and another group of red-fronted brown lemurs. The canyon continues to be gorgeous.

We see more locals in the lower part of the canyon. Some are visiting the remains of their ancestors while others are tending to their river-side rice patches. We stop to spend a few minutes talking with a family growing rice on a sandbar. The family will stay long enough to grow one crop of rice before the river levels rise and inundate the sandbar.

Towards Bekopaka the wind picks up significantly right as we hit a long stretch of slackwater making for slow progress. We paddle through an area that is interesting geologically with limestone slabs pancaked atop oneanother and then eroded by the river. These create bizarre rock formation and caves.

After reaching the village of Bekopaka we set up our tent at a camp site on the south side of the river.

Day 1 | Day 2 | | Day 3 | Day 4

Almost all pictures on this site were taken with a Konica Minolta

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