Madagascar travel tips


Madagascar is not a wealthy, well developed country. While the island is not plagued with famine or civil strife, the United Nations Development Programme still ranks Madagascar #149 our of 175 countries on the Human Poverty Index (A composite index measuring deprivations in the three basic dimensions captured in the human development index—a long and healthy life, knowledge and a decent standard of living).

Travel in Madagascar is not easy -- roads are in poor condition and the country lacks much of the infrastructure required for traditional tourism. Thus it is important that you are well prepared before heading off on your Madagascar adventure.

Below you will find some suggestions as to what you might want to bring on your journey. Bear in mind that this list is by no means exhaustive -- it's merely some of the things you should think about before going on your trip.

Vaccinations / Shots / Immunizations
Due to my travel in other areas I have already been vaccinated for a number of potential conditions. Before going to Madagascar you should check with both your doctor and the CDC. You may want to consider the following vaccinations especially if you are planning to be in the country longer than 30 days or will be spending time in rural areas (some of these vaccinations require a booster shot especially if it has been a few years since your last shot. Check with your doctor that your are up-to-date!).
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Tetanus
  • Polio
  • Typoid
  • Rabies (feral/half wild dogs carry the disease in Madagascar)
  • Cholera (check with your doctor)
Other Medications
Malaria is an issue in Madagascar. Malarial mosquitos are most active at dusk and daybreak so cover up and use repellent at those times. Bring a mosquito net for protection as you sleep. Bring repellent.

Your doctor will probably advise you to take a malaria prophylaxis like Mefloquine (Larium) or Malarone.

Other Medications