Malagasy words for health
Malagasy to English Dictionary: Words, phrases, translations: Introductions | Food | Accommodations | Travel | Communications | Shopping | Money | Health | Bureaucracy | Weather | Nature | Animals | Plants | Politics | Emergency | Time | Measures | Numbers
I am sick | Marary aho | |
My friend is sick | Marary ny namako | |
I do not feel well | Tsy metimety aho | |
I need a doctor | Mila dokotera aho | |
It hurts here | Eto no marary | |
I have vomitted | Nandoa aho | |
I feel dizzy | Fanina aho | |
I cannot sleep | Tsy mahita tosy aho | |
I cannot eat | Tsy mahinan-kanina aho | |
I have a cold | Voan'ny gripa aho | |
I have a temperature | Mamay aho | |
I have a broken leg | Tapaka ny tongotro | |
I have diarrhea | Mivalana aho | |
Which pharmacy is open tonight? | Farmasia iza no misokatra anio alina? | |
I need medication for [x] | Mila fanafodt [x] aho | |
How long do I take this medication? | Hafiriana no hihinanako ity fanafody ity? | |
You have an infection | Misy infection ianao | |
Take this medication | Mihini ity fanafody ity ianao | |
bacteria | bakteria | |
cramps | krampy | |
diarrhea | fivalanana | |
fever | tazo | |
flu | gripa | |
heart attack | crise cardiaque | |
hepatitis | heptita | |
infection | infection | |
infectious | mifindra | |
malaria | malaria | |
parasite | parazita | |
stomach ache | aretim-bavony | |
ankle | kitrokely | |
arm | sandry | |
back | lamosina | |
blood | ra | |
body | vatana | |
bone | taolana | |
brain | ant-doha | |
breast | nono | |
chest | tratra | |
ear | sofina | |
elbow | kiho | |
eye | maso | |
face | tarehy | |
finger | rantsana | |
foot | tongotra | |
hair | volo | |
hand | tanana | |
head | loha | |
heart | fo | |
heel | faladia | |
intestine | tsinay | |
jaw | hihy | |
knee | lohalika | |
leg | tongotra | |
lip | molotra | |
liver | aty | |
lung | avokavoka | |
mouth | vava | |
nail | hoho | |
neck | atoka | |
nose | orona | |
ribs | taolan-tehezana | |
shoulders | soroka | |
skin | hoditra | |
stomach | vavony | |
throat | tenda | |
thumb | ankihibe | |
toe | rantsan-tongotra | |
tongue | lela | |
tooth | nify | |
vein | lalan-dra | |
wrist | valahana | |
anesthetic | anestezia | |
antibiotics | antibiotika | |
antidote | ody poizina | |
aspirin | aspirinina | |
band-aid | sparadrap | |
cotton wool | vovo | |
injection | tsindrona | |
medication | fanafody | |
pills | pila | |
syringe | tsindrona | |
thermometer | termometatra | |
tranquilizer | calmant | |
vitamin | vitaminina | |
doctor | mpitsabo |