Birds of Madagascar
Madagascar is an island of biological marvels, where evolution has crafted creatures found nowhere else on Earth. Among its many wonders, its birdlife stands out—not in sheer numbers, as the island hosts "only" 311 species, but in its extraordinary levels of endemism. With 115 species found solely on the island and 36 endemic genera, Madagascar surpasses any other African country in unique bird groups. Even more remarkably, it is home to five endemic families of birds, a testament to its long isolation from mainland Africa.
A Land of Unique Birds
Madagascar’s avian fauna reflects its evolutionary independence. Take, for instance, the ground rollers, a family of five species that resemble the kingfishers of Africa but lead an entirely terrestrial existence, foraging in leaf litter for insects and small vertebrates. Then there’s the mesites, a group of three species that appear somewhat like diminutive rails but behave more like game birds, skittering through the undergrowth in search of food. The peculiar asities, with their vibrant facial wattles and nectar-feeding habits, are yet another example of the island’s evolutionary ingenuity.
One of Madagascar’s most charismatic birds is the vangas, a family of 22 species that has undergone remarkable adaptive radiation, akin to Darwin’s finches in the Galápagos. These birds fill nearly every available niche, with some developing stout beaks for cracking seeds, while others wield chisel-like bills to probe tree bark for insects. Some, like the sickle-billed vanga, have impossibly curved beaks ideal for prying into crevices, while the helmet vanga sports an imposing blue casque atop its head. The diversity within this single family reflects the vast ecological opportunities Madagascar has provided for its avifauna.
The island’s forests are alive with the calls of cuckoo-rollers, enigmatic birds that soar overhead with a slow, deliberate flight and emit eerie, far-carrying calls. Their relationships to other birds remain a mystery, adding to their allure as one of Madagascar’s most enigmatic endemics. The endemic Madagascar fish eagle, critically endangered, is a reminder of the island’s fragile ecosystems and the challenges its wildlife faces in the modern world.
The Lost Giants: Elephant Birds
While Madagascar’s living bird species are fascinating in their own right, the island’s past holds an even more astonishing avian wonder: the elephant birds (Aepyornis). These colossal flightless birds, which once roamed the island, were the heaviest birds to have ever lived. Some species stood over 10 feet (3 meters) tall and weighed more than 1,100 pounds (500 kg), dwarfing even the modern ostrich.
Elephant birds were likely nocturnal forest dwellers, using their massive size to browse vegetation. Their eggs, the largest of any known bird, were true biological marvels. The egg of Aepyornis maximus could weigh over 20 pounds (9 kg), capable of holding the volume of about 150 chicken eggs. Today, fragments of these ancient eggs are still found in Madagascar’s soil, and in some places, reassembled shells are sold as artifacts, eerie relics of a bygone era.
The extinction of elephant birds is a cautionary tale. For centuries, they coexisted with humans, but over the past few hundred years, pressures from hunting, habitat destruction, and introduced predators sealed their fate. Their disappearance mirrors the broader biodiversity crisis Madagascar faces today, as deforestation and human encroachment continue to threaten many of the island’s remaining species.
Conservation Challenges and Future Prospects
Despite its ecological richness, Madagascar’s birdlife is under constant threat. The island has one of the highest deforestation rates in the world, with vast tracts of primary forest being cleared for agriculture, charcoal production, and logging. Many endemic birds, particularly those adapted to old-growth forests, are increasingly struggling to find suitable habitat.
However, conservation efforts offer some hope. Madagascar has established a network of protected areas, including national parks and community-led reserves, aimed at preserving key habitats. Ecotourism plays a vital role, as birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts from around the world visit Madagascar to see its extraordinary wildlife, providing an economic incentive for conservation. Organizations are working to protect critically endangered species like the Madagascar pochard, a duck once thought extinct but rediscovered in a remote wetland, and the Madagascar serpent eagle, which clings to survival in dwindling rainforests.
A Unique Avian Heritage
Madagascar’s birds—both the living and the lost—offer a glimpse into the island’s deep evolutionary history and the delicate balance of its ecosystems. From the bizarre beaks of vangas to the ghostly legacy of elephant birds, the island’s avian diversity is unlike anywhere else on Earth. Yet, as the pressures of human activity intensify, the survival of these unique species depends on urgent conservation action. Protecting Madagascar’s forests and wetlands is not only crucial for its birds but for the broader web of life that depends on these fragile ecosystems. The birds of Madagascar remind us of both the wonders of evolution and the responsibility we bear to safeguard our planet’s extraordinary biodiversity.
Madagascar bird photos
ANGAP bird lists for the following parks:
Andasibe | Ankarana | Masoala | Marojejy | Montagne d'Ambre | Ranomafana
Bird species counts for selected parks:
Ambohijanahary | 57 |
Ambohitantely | 74 |
Andasibe Mantadia | 112 |
Andringitra | 106 |
Ankarana | 92 |
Bay de baly | 122 |
Bemaraha | 140 |
Bemarivo | 73 |
Bora | 48 |
Isalo | 82 |
Kasijy | 67 |
Maningoza | 73 |
Marojejy | 116 |
Marotandrano | 85 |
Masoala | 90 |
Montagne d'Ambre | 75 |
Namoroka | 81 |
Pic d'Ivohibe | 77 |
Ranomafana | 114 |
Tsimanampetsotsa | 72 |
Zahamena | 61 |
Zombitse-Vohibasia | 85 |
Species | Common name | Order | Family | Malagasy name | Endemic |
Accipiter henstii | Henst's Goshawk | Falconiformes | Accipitridae | hindry | Yes |
Accipiter madagascariensis | Sparrowhawk of Madagascar | Falconiformes | Accipitridae | firasambalala | Yes |
Acridotheres tristis | Common Myna | Passeriformes | Sturnidae | tserikamena | |
Acrocephalus newtoni | Madagascar Swamp-Warbler | Passeriformes | Sylvidae | tretreka | |
Agapornis cana | Madagascar Lovebird | Charadriiformes | Psittacidae | Yes | |
Agapornis Cana madagascariensis | Madagascar Lovebird | Charadriiformes | Psittacidae | Yes | |
Alcedo vintsioides | Malagasy kingfisher | Coraciiformes | Alcedinidae | famakiakora | No |
Alectroenas madagascariensis | Madagascar Blue Pigeon | Ciconiiformes | Columbidae | vintsiala | Yes |
Anas erythrorhyncha | Red-billed Duck (Teal) | Anseriformes | Anatidae | ||
Anas melleri | Meller's duck | Ansertiformes | Accipitridae | akaka | |
Anhinga melanogaster | Oriental darter | Pelecaniformes | Anhingidae | ||
Apus barbatus | African swift | Apodiformes | Apodidae | No | |
Apus Melba | African black Trip hammer | Apodiformes | Apodidae | tsidintsidina | |
Ardea cinerea | Grey heron | Apodiformes | Apodidae | ||
Ardea humbloti | Ciconiformes | Ardeidae | vorompotsy | Yes | |
Ardea purpurea | Ciconiformes | Ardeidae | vano | No | |
Ardea purpurea madagascariensis | Ciconiformes | Ardeidae | vano | No | |
Ardeola idae | Heron white crabier | Ciconiformes | Ardeidae | will takatra | |
Ardeola ralloides | Ciconiformes | Ardeidae | vano | ||
Asio madagascariensis | Marsh Owl | Strigidae | Strigidae | Yes | |
Atelornis crossleyi | Rufous-headed Ground-Roller | Coraciiformes | Brachypteraciidae | vorondreo | Yes |
Atelornis pittoides | Pitta-like Ground-Roller | Columbiformes | Brachypteraciidae | harakaraka | Yes |
Aviceda madagascariensis | Madagascar cuckoo-Falcon | Cuculiformes | Estrididae | hitsikitsikala | |
Brachypteracias leptosomus | Short-legged Ground-Roller | Columbiformes | Brachypteraciidae | tsakoko | Yes |
Brachypteracias squamiger | Columbiformes | Brachypteraciidae | Yes | ||
Bubulcus ibis | Cattle egret | Coraciiformes | Ardeidae | vano | No |
Buteo brachypterus | Madagascar Buzzard | Falconiformes | Accipitridae | tsiparahorovana | Yes |
Butorides striatus | Coraciiformes | Ardeidae | fony maitso | No | |
Calicalicus madagascariensis | Red-tailed Vanga | Passeriformes | Vangidae | hankana | Yes |
Canirallus kioloides | Madagascar Wood Rail | Gruiformes | Rallidae | tsikirity | Yes |
Canirallus kioloides insularis | Madagascar Wood Rail | Gruiformes | Rallidae | tsikirity | Yes |
Caprimulgus enarratus | Collared Nightjar | Caprimulgiformes | Caprimulgidae | tataro | Yes |
Caprimulgus madagascariensis | Madagascar Nightjar | Caprimulgiformes | Caprimulgidae | vikiviky | No |
Casmerodius albus | Great Egret | Ciconiiformes | Ardeidae | domoina | No |
Centropus toulou | Madagascar Coucal | Cuculiformes | Cuculidae | taitoaka | No |
Cisticola chernia | Madagascar Cisticola | Passeriformes | Sylvidae | vorombararata | No |
Copsychus albospecularis | Madagascar Magpie-Robin | Passeriformes | Turdidae | voromasiaka | Yes |
Coracina cinerea | Ashy Cuckoo-Shrike | Passeriformes | Campephagidae | firirina | No |
Coracina sp | Cuckoo-Shrike | Cuculiformes | Campephagidae | No | |
Coracopsis nigra | Lesser Vasa Parrot | Psittaciformes | Psittacidae | No | |
Coracopsis vasa | Greater Vasa Parrot | Psittaciformes | Psittacidae | No | |
Coracopsis vasa vasa | Greater Vasa Parrot | Psittaciformes | Psittacidae | No | |
Corvus albus | Pied crow | Passeriformes | Corvidae | firirinabe | No |
Coturnix coturnix | Japanese quail | Galliformes | Phasianidae | No | |
Coua caerulea | Blue Coua | Cuculiformes | Cuculidae | fandrasa | Yes |
Coua cristata | Crested Coua | Cuculiformes | Cuculidae | tsipara | Yes |
Coua gigas | Giant Coua | Cuculiformes | Cuculidae | Yes | |
Coua reynandii | Red-fronted Coua | Cuculiformes | Cuculidae | taitso | Yes |
Coua reynaudii | Red-fronted Coua | Cuculiformes | Cuculidae | taitso | Yes |
Coua ruficeps | Red-capped Coua | Cuculiformes | Cuculidae | Yes | |
Coua serriana | Red-breasted Coua | Cuculiformes | Cuculidae | Yes | |
Crossleyia xanthophrys | Yellow-browed Oxylabes | Passeriformes | Sylvidae | ||
Cuculus rochii | Thick-billed Cuckoo | Cuculiformes | Cuculidae | hambosanga | Yes |
Cyanolanius madagascarinus | Blue vanga | Passeriformes | Vangidae | bolokibe | No |
Cypsiurus parvus | African palm-swift | Apodiformes | Apodidae | tsidintsidina | No |
Dendrocygna viduata | White faced whistling duck | Anseriformes | Dendrocygnidae | ||
Dicrurus forficatus | Crested Drongo | Passeriformes | Dicruridae | tsingetry | No |
Dromaeocercus brunneus | Brown Emutail | Passeriformes | Sylvidae | jijimaitso | |
Dromaeocercus seebohmi | Grey Emutail | Passeriformes | Sylvidae | ||
Dryolimans cuvieri | White-throated Rail | Gruiformes | Rallidae | vorotrandraka | No |
Dryolimnas cuvieri | White-throated Rail | Gruiformes | Rallidae | vorotrandraka | No |
Egretta ardesiaca | Black heron | Ciconiiformes | Ardeidae | ||
Euryceros prevostii | Helmet vanga | Passeriformes | Vangidae | patsatsatrala | Yes |
Eurystomus glaucurus | Broad-billed Roller | Coraciiformes | Coraciidae | kirio | No |
Eutriorchis astur | Madagascar Serpent-Eagle | Falconiformes | Accipitridae | papango | Yes |
Falco concolor | Sooty falcon | Falconiformes | Falconidae | tsipoy | |
Falco eleonorae | Eleonora's falcon | Falconiformes | Falconidae | tsikoza | |
Falco newtoni | Madagascar kestrel | Falconiformes | Falconidae | roatelo | No |
Falco peregrinus | Peregrine falcon | Falconiformes | Falconidae | No | |
Falco zoniventris | Banded kestrel | Falconiformes | Falconidae | akanga | |
Falculea palliata | Sickle-billed vanga | Passeriformes | Vangidae | ||
Foudia madagascariensis | Madagascar Red Fody | Passeriformes | Ploceidae | horovana | Yes |
Foudia omissa | Forest Fody | Passeriformes | Ploceidae | droadroaka | Yes |
Gallinago macrodactyla | Madagascar Snipe | Charadriiformes | Rallidae | vano | |
Gallinula chloropus | Common moorhen | Gruiformes | Monarchidae | kikimavo | |
Glareola ocularis | Madagascar Pratincole | Passeriformes | Glareolidae | kekakeka | Yes |
Haliaeetus vociferoides | Madagascar fish-eagle | Falconiformes | Accipitridae | ||
Hartertula flavoviridis | Wedge-tailed Jerry | Passeriformes | Sylvidae | vangamena | |
Hartlaubius auratus | Madagascar Starling | Passeriformes | Sturnidae | poretika | Yes |
Hypositta corallirostris | Nuthatch Vanga | Passeriformes | Vangidae | bolokikely | Yes |
Hypossita corallirostris | Nuthatch Vanga | Passeriformes | Vangidae | bolokikely | Yes |
Hypsipetes madagascariensis | Madagascar Black Bubul | Passeriformes | Pycnonotidae | tretreka, tsikatekateka | No |
Ipsidina madagascariensis | Madagascar Pygmy Kingfisher | Coraciiformes | Alcedinidae | tsakoko manga | Yes |
Ispidina madagascariensis | Madagascar Pygmy Kingfisher | Coraciiformes | Alcedinidae | tsakoko manga | Yes |
Leptopterus chabert | Chabert's Vanga | Passeriformes | Vangidae | torotoroka | Yes |
Leptopterus viridis | White-headed Vanga | Passeriformes | Vangidae | vivy, kiborano | Yes |
Leptosomus discolor | Cuckoo Roller | Coraciiformes | Leptosomatidae | toloho | No |
Lonchura nana | Madagascar Mannikin | Passeriformes | Estrildidae | tserikalambo | Yes |
Lophotibis cristata | Madagascar crested ibis | Ciconiiformes | Threskiornithidae | No | |
Margaroperdrix madagascariensis | Coraciiformes | Meropidae | |||
Merops superciliosus | Madagascar Bee-eater | Coraciiformes | Meropidae | taotaonkafo | No |
Mesitornis unicolor | Brown Mesite | Gruiformes | Mesitomithidae | manganahitra | Yes |
Mesitornis variegata | White-breasted mesite | Gruiformes | Mesitomithidae | ||
Milvus migrans | Black Kite | Falconiformes | Accipitridae | hitsikitsika | No |
Mirafra hova | Madagascar Lark | Passeriformes | Alaudidae | ||
Motacilla flaviventris | Madagascar Wagtail | Passeriformes | Motacillidae | asity | Yes |
Mystacornis crossleyi | Crossley's Babbler | Passeriformes | Timaliidae | mokazavonamavo | Yes |
Nectarinia notata | Long-billed green sunbird | Passeriformes | Nectariniidae | fodiala | No |
Nectarinia souimanga | Souimanga sunbird | Passeriformes | Nectariniidae | zafindrasity | No |
Neodrepanis coruscans | Sunbird-Asity | Passeriformes | Philepittidae | farifotramainty | Yes |
Neodrepanis hypoxanthus | Yellow-bellied Sunbird-Asity | Passeriformes | Philepittidae | fodimena | Yes |
Neomixis striatigula | Stripe-throated jery | Passeriformes | Sylvidae | fitadroranga | Yes |
Neomixis tenella | Common Jery | Passeriformes | Timaliidae | siketribe | Yes |
Neomixis viridis | Green Jery | Passeriformes | Timaliidae | farifotramena | Yes |
Nesillas typica | Madagascar Brush-Warbler | Passeriformes | Strigidae | jijimainty | No |
Newtonia amphichroa | Dark newtonia | Passeriformes | Sylvidae | vangasoratra | Yes |
Newtonia brunneicauda | Common newtonia | Passeriformes | Sylvidae | Yes | |
Newtonia fanovanae | Red-tailed newtonia | Passeriformes | Sylvidae | ||
Ninox superciliaris | White-browed boobook | Strigiformes | Strigidae | Yes | |
Numida maleagris | Helmeted guineafowl | Galliformes | Numididae | akohon-drano, otrika | No |
Numida meleagris | Helmeted guineafowl | Galliformes | Numididae | akohon-drano, otrika | No |
Nycticorax nycticorax | Black crowned night-heron | Ciconiiformes | Ardeidae | No | |
Oena capensis | Namaqua dove | Columbiformes | Columbidae | ||
Oriolia bernieri | Bernier's vanga | Passeriformes | Corvidae | Yes | |
Otus ratilus | Malagasy Scops-Owl | Strigiformes | Strigidae | No | |
Otus rutilus | Malagasy Scops-Owl | Strigiformes | Strigidae | No | |
Oxylabes madagascariensis | White-throated Oxylabes | Passeriformes | Timaliidae | vangamaintiloha | Yes |
Oxylabes madagascariensis inexpectatus | White-throated Oxylabes | Passeriformes | Tinaliidae | vangamaintiloha | Yes |
Phalacrocorax africanus | Long-tailed cormorant | Pelecaniformes | Phalacrocoracidae | vorondolo | No |
Phedina borbonica | Mascarene Martin | Passeriformes | Hirundinidae | olioly | |
Philepitta castanea | Velvet asity | Passeriformes | Philepittidae | fody sahy | Yes |
Philepitta castenea | Velvet asity | Passeriformes | Philepittidae | fody sahy | Yes |
Phyllastrephus cinereiceps | Grey-crowned Greenbul | Passeriformes | Pycnonotidae | Yes | |
Phyllastrephus madagascariensis | Long-billed Greenbul | Passeriformes | Pycnonotidae | marotaina | Yes |
Phyllastrephus tenebrosus | Dusky greenbul | Passeriformes | Pycnonotidae | vorontainaomby | |
Phyllastrephus zosterops | Spectacled Greenbul | Passeriformes | Pycnonotidae | tsintsina | Yes |
Ploceus nelicourvi | Nelicourvi Weaver | Passeriformes | Ploceidae | farifotramavo | Yes |
Polyboroides radiatus | Madagascar Harrier-Hawk | Falconiformes | Accipitridae | fandrasabe | Yes |
Pseudobias wardi | Ward's shrike-flycatcher | Passeriformes | Platysteiridae | sohihy mangavola | Yes |
Pseudocossyphus sharpei | Forest Rock-Thrush | Passeriformes | Muscicapidae | zafindrasity | Yes |
Rallus madagascariensis | Madagascar Rail | Gruiformes | Rallidae | ||
Randia pseudozosterops | Rand's warbler | Passeriformes | Sylvidae | talapiotany | Yes |
Riparia paludicola | Plain martin | Passeriformes | Hirundinidae | triotrio | |
Rostratula benghalensis | Greater painted-snipe | Ciconiiformes | Rostratulidae | ||
Sarothrura insularis | Madagascar flufftail | Gruiformes | Rallidae | goaika | |
Sarothrura watersi | Slender-billed flufftail | Gruiformes | Rallidae | railovy, dronga | |
Saxicola torquata | Common stonechat | Passeriformes | Turdidae | vangamanga | |
Schetba rufa | Rufous Vanga | Passeriformes | Vangidae | patsatsatra | Yes |
Schetha rufa | Rufous Vanga | Passeriformes | Vangidae | patsatsatra | Yes |
Scopus umbretta | Hamerkop, Hammerhead | Ciconiiformes | Scopidae | akoholahinala | |
Streptopelia picturata | Madagascar Turtledove | Columbiformes | Columbidae | finengo | No |
Tachybaptus pelzelnii | Madagascar Lesser Grebe | Podicipediformes | Podicipedidae | ||
Terpsiphone mutata | Madagascar Paradise Flycatcher | Passeriformes | Monarchidae | soimanga | No |
Treron australis | Madagascar green-pigeon | Columbiformes | Columbidae | vintsirano | No |
Turnix nigricollis | Madagascar buttonquail | Turniciformes | Turnicidae | Yes | |
Tylas eduardi | Tylas Vanga | Passeriformes | Pycnonotidae | vano mainty, kinkimavo | Yes |
Tyto alba | Barn owl | Strigiformes | Tytonidae | ||
Tyto soumagnei | Madagascar red owl | Strigiformes | Tytonidae | Yes | |
Upupa epops | Eurasian hoopoe | Coraciiformes | Upupidae | ||
Vanga curvirostris | Hook-billed Vanga | Passeriformes | Vangidae | todikarasoka | Yes |
Xenopirostris polleni | Pollen's vanga | Passeriformes | Corvidae | fotsimaso | |
Zoonavena grandidieri | Madagascar Spine-tailed Swift | Apodiformes | Apodidae | matoriandro | No |
Zosterops maderaspatana | Madagascar White-eye | Passeriformes | Zosteropidae | vorondolo | No |