Neomixis viridis - Green Jery

Order: Passeriformes
Family: Timaliidae
Local Malagasy name: farifotramena
Endemic to Madagascar: Yes

Web links for Neomixis viridis :

Neomixis viridis -- No part of this material can be used in any way without written permision by the
Neomixis viridis -- Neomixis viridis Green Jery Français. Small bird with light green above,
Neomixis viridis -- ...- [ Translate this page ]
Search for Sites -- additional data. LC, Green Jery Neomixis viridis. ... Recommended citation BirdLife
Search for Sites -- The humid nature of the forest explains the presence of three species characteristic
Green Jery - Neomixis viridis -- Green Jery [Neomixis viridis ]. To search for pictures in our gallery click here.
Avibase - The World Bird Database -- PASSERIFORMES: Timaliidae. Common Jery, Neomixis tenella, Endemic. Green Jery, Neomixis
Birds of Madagascar -- Neomisix striatigula, Stripe-throated Jery. Neomixis tenella, Common Jery. Neomixis
Welcome to Adobe GoLive 5 -- Common Jery Neomixis tenella © Tom Schulenberg/VIREO Wedge-tailed Jery Neomixis

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