Eulemur macaco flavifrons - Blue-eyed black lemur

RANGE and DISTRIBUTION: Found in northwest Madagascar; According to Koenders, L., Rumpler, Y., and Brun, B., 1985. (Notes on the recently rediscovered Sclater's lemur (Lemur Sclater's macaco flavifrons). Primate Conservation 6: 35.), this subspecies is found between the Andranomalaza River and Befotaka.

SIZE: 2 to 2.5 kg

IUCN Status: Critically Endangered

LOCAL NAMES: Ankomba, Komba Web links for Eulemur macaco flavifrons :

Eulemur macaco flavifrons -- ...male & female Parc d'Ivoloina, Tamatave. Note blue eyes. Lemur Taxa: E. fulvus albifrons;
Species of the Lemurs of Madagascar -- Eulemur macaco. (Linnaeus, 1766) IUCN Red List Status (1996): Vulnerable/A1cd For
Lower Taxa of the Lemurs of Madagascar -- Eulemur macaco flavifrons. (Gray, 1867) IUCN Red List Status (1996): Critically
IPBIR: Integrated Primate Biomaterials and Information Resource ... -- NCBI. 13 samples submitted under Eulemur macaco flavifrons. ... PR00127, Eulemur macaco
IPBIR: Integrated Primate Biomaterials and Information Resource ... -- ...captivity. PR00127, Eulemur macaco flavifrons, blue-eyed black lemur, Tissue
Genetic comparison between different populations of Eulemur macaco ... -- Genetic comparison between different populations of Eulemur macaco flavifrons
Genetic comparison between different populations of Eulemur macaco ... -- Eulemur macaco flavifrons, the Sclater's black lemur, is a critically endangered
Eulemur Links -- German) The realms of Lemuria: Eulemur macaco (Black Lemur) Apus: Eulemur macaco

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