Indri indri indri - Indri lemur

RANGE and DISTRIBUTION: Northeaster Madagascar: found in montane rainforests from Bemarivo and Anjanaharibe-Sud south to Analamazaotra (Perinet)

SIZE: generally 7 - 10 kg

IUCN Status: Endangered

LOCAL NAMES: Babakoto, Amboanala

  • The indri is the largest of all surviving lemurs and is best known for its eerie, yet beautiful song which can carry for more than 1.2 miles (2 km).
  • The indri is active during the day, feeding on canopy fruits and leaves
  • The indri will bark when confronted with danger and make kissing sounds when affectionate
  • Despite its large size, the Indri refuses to move along the ground, and will negotiate gaps by leaping, often over 33 feet (10 m) between tree trunks.
  • Naturally rare due to its low birth rate (one birth every three years) and small population density, today the Indri's numbers are small and dwindling due to habitat loss.
  • The Indri does not do well in captivity or tolerate habitat disturbance; traits that are major setbacks for possible rehabilitation projects and conservation.

    Indri lemur

    Indri lemur

    Indri lemur

    Indri lemur

    Indri lemur

    Indri lemur

    Indri lemur

    Indri lemur

    Indri lemur

    Indri lemur

    Indri lemur

    Indri lemur

    Indri lemur

    Indri lemur

    Indri lemur

    Web links for Indri indri indri :

    Indri - Indri Indri - ARKive -- Indri (Indri Indri). ...
    Indri - Indri Indri: More Still Images - ARKive -- Arkive - Images of Life on Earth. Search. Homepage > Species > Global > Mammals >
    Indri (Indri indri) -- Indri (Indri indri). MORPHOLOGY: The average body mass for the adult female is 6.8
    Indri Links -- Indri Links. Animal Info: Indri indri (Indri) Saude Animal: Indri indri (Indri)
    Indri (Indri indri) - picture and info -- Indri (Indri indri) - One of the loudest voices, mute forever soon? Have you ever
    Indri -- ...- [ Translate this page ]
    indri indri - definition by -- Indri indri n : large short-tailed lemur of Madagascar having thick silky fur in
    indri - Hutchinson encyclopedia article about indri -- Word: Word. indri. Enlarge picture The indri Indri indri lives
    Indri lemur Indri indri indri -- Primates / Lemurs / Woolly lemurs and allies Indri indri indri Indri lemur.

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