Propithecus diadema edwardsi - Milne-Edwards's Sifaka

RANGE and DISTRIBUTION: Eastern rain forest south from the Mangoro River; Manakara, Andohahela, Andringitra, Ranomafana

SIZE: 5 to 6.5 kg

IUCN Status: Endangered

LOCAL NAMES: Simpona, Simpony

  • Eats (in order of amount) leaves, fruit, and flowers Web links for Propithecus diadema edwardsi :

    Propithecus diadema edwardsi -- Propithecus diadema edwardsi Milne-Edward's Sifaka Français. Propithecus diadema
    Picture, audio & video credits for Propithecus diadema edwardsi -- Video credits. V1 Propithecus diadema edwardsi virtical clinging (climbing up),
    Propithecus diadema edwardsi -- Mother feeds, infant steals food from mother A bouncy infant. Blue gets a checkup. ...
    Species of the Lemurs of Madagascar -- Bennet, 1832 IUCN Red List Status (1996): Endangered/A1cd For subspecies see Propithecus
    Lower Taxa of the Lemurs of Madagascar -- Propithecus diadema edwardsi. (A. Grandidier, 1871) IUCN Red List Status
    Diademed Sifaka (Propithecus diadema) -- Erhart, Elizabeth M.; and Overdorff, Deborah J. 1998. Infanticide in Propithecus
    Silky Sifaka Propithecus diadema candidus -- ...candidus, Silky sifaka; Propithecus diadema perreiri, Perrier's Mammals of Madagascar --
    Patterns of female dominance in Propithecus diadema edwardsi of ... -- Am J Primatol. 2003 Dec;61(4):173-85. Patterns of female dominance in Propithecus

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